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Kody Brown and Christine Brown sat down for another conversation on the Oct. 16 episode of Sister Wives. This time, they discussed whether or not it was the right time to tell their youngest daughter, Truely Brown, about their split and Christine’s decision to move from Arizona to Utah. “I really want Kody and I to tell Truely together because I want her to see us still as a team,” Christine explained. “She’s had friends whose parents had divorces and it’s been very ugly and a lot of fighting, and I don’t want her to think it’s going to be like that for her.”
Even though Christine’s desired moving month of September was approaching, Kody wasn’t ready to deliver bad news to Truely just yet. “In some idealistic, naive way, I still think maybe we can get reconciled,” he admitted. “I guess I’m in a state of denial and I don’t want to tell Truely yet. I don’t know why, but I’m really anxious about doing anything bu delaying this, so I would like to find some way to get Christine to stay here and just make it sort of easier and more convenient for me to hang out with the kids.”

Christine, who announced her split from Kody on Instagram in Nov. 2021, already had her mind made up, though. She explained to Kody that she had already slowly started packing up her house. Kody accused her of “rushing” into the move. “It feels hostile to me,” he said. “I feel like she’s done this as a backstab. She could’ve started talking to me about our relationship a long time ago, and she didn’t. And she drops this on me and it seems really rushed. She’s been ready to get out the door since the time she told me she wanted to stop staying.”
However, Christine insisted that the situation has actually been the opposite. “For you, maybe, it’s been a rush, but for me it hasn’t been a rush,” she insisted. “For me, I’ve been moving super slow to accommodate you. Frankly, I would’ve told Truely months ago and I would’ve moved this summer.” In the end, Christine agreed not to tell Truely about the situation just yet in order to not make waves with Kody. “I want to play nice and I want to play fair because we need to be a team and move forward as a team,” she explained.
Unfortunately, shortly after the conversation, Truely accidentally overheard a phone conversation between Christine and her daughter, Mykelti, where the topic of moving came up. At that point, Christine didn’t have a choice but to explain the situation to Truely. Due to the sensitive nature of the discussion, the talk wasn’t filmed, but Christine filled viewers in on the details afterward. “Her little face was so heartbroken,” Christine recalled. “She goes, ‘Are you and dad getting divorced?’ I could’ve said, ‘Yeah, we’re going to be getting divorced,’ and then every time Kody came over she’d be watching us like crazy and worrying and wondering, and she also might have a false sense of hope that we would get back together. So [I told her] we’re already divorced.”
Meanwhile, in a confessional, Kody accused Christine of turning their kids against him. “I want a relationship with my children, especially those who are young and vulnerable,” he said. ‘It’s almost like this is following a narrative. She sets Truely up with, ‘Well, dad’s never here anyway.’ She’s leading Truely down that road. Christine is needing excuses to be able to leave and I feel like she’s been setting things up for a very long time to justify this to her children.”