Facebook-parent Meta launched the Meta Quest Pro mixed reality headset in a move to further strengthen the idea of metaverse – the brainchild of company CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The metaverse allows people to talk to others through avatars, which are graphical representations of users or their characters or personas. The avatars do not have legs and are basically floating torsos. Zuckerberg announced that these torsos will soon have legs.
The addition of legs to floating torsos with hands and head will certainly do a better job when connecting with others in the metaverse. The avatars will now be able to walk and the announcement made Zuckerberg pretty excited.
Apart from the announcement of Avatars getting legs, Zuckerberg also announced that the avatars will have improvements in appearance as well as full body movements. Meta announced that it will soon launch an avatar store from where people will be able to purchase accessories for their digital selves by spending their real money.
Meta Quest Pro launch
These avatars will be available in Meta Quest Pro mixed reality headset that the company launched recently. The headset is priced at $1,499 (approximately Rs 1,23,500). It is currently available for pre-orders in 22 countries. It will not be available for pre-booking in India.
Meta says that the mixed-reality headset has a counterbalanced design, pancake lenses, and a curved-cell battery that sits at the back of the headset. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2+ platform paired with 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storage, and 10 high-resolution sensors (five each inside and outside of the headset).
Meta Quest Pro has a new sensor architecture with outward-facing cameras for a full-colour mixed-reality experience through stereoscopic mixed-reality Passthrough. This combines multiple sensor views to create a natural view of the world in 3D. Meta also launched Quest Touch Pro controllers with three built-in sensors in each module to track their position in 3D space.
The addition of legs to floating torsos with hands and head will certainly do a better job when connecting with others in the metaverse. The avatars will now be able to walk and the announcement made Zuckerberg pretty excited.
Apart from the announcement of Avatars getting legs, Zuckerberg also announced that the avatars will have improvements in appearance as well as full body movements. Meta announced that it will soon launch an avatar store from where people will be able to purchase accessories for their digital selves by spending their real money.
Meta Quest Pro launch
These avatars will be available in Meta Quest Pro mixed reality headset that the company launched recently. The headset is priced at $1,499 (approximately Rs 1,23,500). It is currently available for pre-orders in 22 countries. It will not be available for pre-booking in India.
Meta says that the mixed-reality headset has a counterbalanced design, pancake lenses, and a curved-cell battery that sits at the back of the headset. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2+ platform paired with 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storage, and 10 high-resolution sensors (five each inside and outside of the headset).
Meta Quest Pro has a new sensor architecture with outward-facing cameras for a full-colour mixed-reality experience through stereoscopic mixed-reality Passthrough. This combines multiple sensor views to create a natural view of the world in 3D. Meta also launched Quest Touch Pro controllers with three built-in sensors in each module to track their position in 3D space.